For a while, we have seen a flux of illness, disease and death showing up in the world. Naturally, the story typically covers treatment, the origin of contamination or the number of lives lost. Then, there are shootings. Mass shootings are becoming more prevalent. The theories for all these disasters are just as convoluted as are the seriousness of the tragedies. And let’s not forget the flood of pharmaceutical commercials, only to be followed by loads of legal announcements in the event “you or a loved one has suffered an injury or death” as a result of some medication or malpractice. There are various stages and levels of health and wellbeing issues killing us one way or another. There is a reason for this but I am not hearing anyone in mainstream public arenas getting to the heart of it all. When someone goes to the doctor for an open wound, most of the time, one of the first questions asked is, “What happened?” This indicates the need to get to the cause. There is an underlying issue that must be identified if treatment is to be effective. The same question should be plaguing all of us with the widespread manifestation of illness, death and violence that have become the norm in our society. Though extremely serious, all these occurrences are not the problem. They are symptoms of the problem. So, what is the problem? Toxicity and inflammation are the root cause of most health issues. Our populations are toxic with hatred, frustration, hunger and despair. These emotional ills only breed mental and physical ills. These ills, then, manifest into illness, disease and death. “Acting out” by many results in shootings, mass shootings. This acting out is hatred that has been inflamed and fueled by more hatred. What am I saying? I am saying we, as a country, talk about and take a look at bits and pieces of what shows up in our world but we do a poor job connecting the dots. We cannot expect good things to come of evil doings. A foundation of evil doings or evil intent will not – cannot – build anything good. It is that simple. So, whether looking at individual lives or the nation as a whole, there are underlying issues of grave ill at work. Until the ills are truthfully identified and removed, treatment and healing cannot take place. Ask yourself, why so much illness? Do yourself a favor and be honest. Please do not stop with superficial answers. Explore with deep, honest responses. After all, superficial responses and apathy only keeps us ill and dying. Take a hard look at the chemicals people have been consuming in alarmingly increased quantities in the place of good ol’ real food. The fact that the government can get away with essentially making people ill and causing death with its “approved” chemicals in place of food, alone, is mind-boggling. Then, to deny adequate healthcare to millions and no healthcare at all to millions more, too, are unbelievable. These are just some of the tough questions and types of answers and connecting dots I implore you to do. Do this with everything because, indeed, there are deeper answers for all the urgent problems we face today. There are deeper reasons for mass shootings than most are talking about. A few brave and commendable folk spend a few minutes or, maybe, a couple days analyzing what lies beneath. Anyway, keep asking and keep answering and keep connecting. Then, when you do – when you connect – do something! Your “something” might be the conversations you start having with those in your circle. How or where you spend your money might change to support or fund those who support what is right. You might be a beacon for someone else to make personal changes in their daily lives. As simple as it sounds, it is just as powerful to make real change with a vote. There are no little elections. Each election is an opportunity to tell someone “we do not like what you stand for or what you say and do.” Each election is an opportunity to get people to do right by us. Each election is an opportunity to let folk know we are not for sale and our wellbeing is not for sale and our children’s future wellbeing is not for sale. Tell them and show them you mean business. There is no greater force than love. If you live your life with this truth as your fuel, I assure you, you will begin recognizing a need for true healing and when you do, the ball will be in your court to. Do something!
AuthorCarol's life journey has always been one of service. There have been a number of avenues but the mission is the same. Particularly, with respect to the disadvantaged populations, Carol works to engage, inspire and enhance. Archives
July 2020
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